

I'm Heidi Day, and I love life! Life is totally meant to be enjoyed, and I believe in taking chances and living every day to its fullest. So many people stop themselves from doing what they want because they're afraid of what might happen. Don't take council from your fears. Love others. Take chances. Be nice and be good. And become the greatest that you possibly can.

A little bit about myself: I am from a podunk town in Idaho, called Ucon, and I am currently attending BYU-Idaho. Best university ever. Every day I gain a greater appreciation for this place. This is my 5th semester, and I am majoring in Marriage and Family Studies. This is my first semester in this major, and so far, super good.

I enjoy doing a lot of things. My passion is music. I enjoy singing (especially with my family), playing the guitar a little here and there, and random dance parties. I love when the moon is so bright that everything has a shadow, when it rains, high fives that sting, awkward moments, and peanut butter. I'm kind of a small town girl, and I do love me some good ol' country music and driving with the windows down in the summer time.

I seriously have THE best family in the world. Don't try and argue with me that your family is better, because I will win. I have one incredible sister, Alyson, and four rambunctious brothers (seems like a good adjective for them...), Carl, Nik, Nathan, and Ben. My grandpa and my great grandpa (who is in fact almost a whopping 102 years old) live next door to us in Ucon. They are two of the greatest men I know. My family enjoys making music, hiking, and spazzing out together. I love them.

So, now I guess I have this blog! You will definitely be hearing more about my family and the crazy adventures of my life in this thing. Ya hodie ho!

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