
Friday, July 19, 2013

The More the Merrier.

“The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another’s desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.
Erma Bombeck

My family was pretty crazy growing up. Wait, what am I saying?... We’re still crazy. And honestly, I wouldn’t trade the craziness for anything. I grew up being the second youngest of six children, which may seem like a massive amount of individuals to some of you. At times, it was difficult to know exactly how I fit in to this large family full of so many cool older siblings and a cute younger brother; it was difficult to figure out my specific role. My large family, however, did bring with it a sense of security and belonging, which may not seem like the most likely outcome when there are so many that need to focus of the parents. I do think that there is something special about having a lot of siblings to look up to and to interact with and to learn from, though.

The author and women’s rights activist, Pearl S. Buck, has said, “The lack of emotional security of our American young people is due, I believe, to their isolation from the larger family unit. No two people – no mere father and mother – as I have often said, are enough to provide emotional security for a child. He needs to feel himself one in a world of kinfolk, persons of variety in age and temperament, and yet allied to himself by an indissoluble bond which he cannot break if he could, for nature has welded him into in before he was born.” I have felt that sense of kinfolk and emotional security in my own family.

I am not trying to tell people to have huge families, but I do know that there are many things to be learned from having a lot of siblings to butt heads with, to cry on, and to laugh with. Three of the main ones that I have noticed in my own family are social skills, conflict resolution, and compassion.

I am not going to lie, my siblings and I were some odd ducks growing up. Everyone has their awkward stage, and some of those stages just happen to last about 18 years. It's a process of trying to figure out what is acceptable and what is not when it comes to interactions with others. But this is one thing that I was able to develop because of the interactions with my siblings. We learned how to work through conflict, how to put others first, how to support each other. Another skill we learned was how to act in large groups. When you don't grow up with the craziness of 5 siblings, it is easy to be over-stimulated by large groups. Sometimes there is so much noise and so much happening that it can be overbearing and stressful. In a family where people are laughing and wrestling and yelling, it is easy to get used to. 

As you can imagine, in a family of eight there was a lot of the bickering, wrestling, and not-sharing going on. This provided an opportunity to learn accommodation. I remember when I was young and living at home, we all really liked to argue. If we were especially annoying and weren't able to work our differences out ourselves, Mom would get involved and that wasn't pretty. She would make us sit in the corner together, holding hands, sometimes singing songs, until we could smile and love each other again. This was the worst punishment ever. It was worse than being put in time out on the toilet. I would think, "This kid just made me so angry, I have no desire to touch him or look at him!!" This punishment sometimes took an hour to work, but eventually I learned it was better to forgive quicker, and soon enough I was down to around two minutes of forgiving time (depending on how serious the circumstance was, of course). This taught us how to work through conflicts, how to forgive each other, and how to be more compassionate. 

Compassion is an important skill. It is easy to get into the habit of thinking you are the most wonderful thing that ever happened to this planet, but when there are 5 other hungry mouths you learn quick the reality of the situation. I had a lot of experiences that reminded me that I was not the only person alive, and that everyone has needs. I also learned that I could help others out with their needs instead of focusing on my own. This is a lot easier to gain from having siblings than it is after moving out of the house. In a big family, you learn to work together. You learn how to forget yourself more, how to work with others, how to accommodate because you care about the needs and happiness of you siblings (not all the time, of course; it is a learning process). I learned to be more compassionate because of my siblings.

I love my big family. I have learned so much from my interactions with them and from each of their examples. I would be completely different if I only had a couple siblings; not that those differences would be bad, because there is something to be learned from every situation. But I am pretty proud of what we have learned together as a family, and of the love that we share with one another. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Do Work.

Think about all the things you have accomplished in your life. Now think about all the lessons you have learned. What were you doing while learning those lessons? Were you out with your friends watching a movie? Were you on Facebook? Maybe you were sleeping? Those probably weren't the right answers. The way you learned the most important lessons in life was most likely from hard work. Lately, it seems like our society is less focused on hard work and on getting back as much as you give. There is a larger emphasis on instant gratification, and many people are not being taught the true value of hard work. Children need to be taught how to work hard.

Families are brought closer together through work. Some of my favorite memories are of my family working together in the garden, or working together while canning, or doing the Saturday chores together. It really may not sound super exciting, but these moments of work gave us some great time to talk and laugh and sing. We were able to catch up with what was going on in everyone's lives. I especially enjoyed these times because they gave me an opportunity to see the benefits of working hard, and the products of our hard work. We were able to watch our garden grow, and eventually eat the vegetables that came from it. We were able to live off of the food that we canned for the rest of the year until we canned the next year. We were able to live in a clean home and feel the peace that comes with that. I will always remember those times.

Work improves lives. When I look back at what I've accomplished in my life and at the moments where I can see the most growth, I also can see the most work. One of the hardest things I have ever done was when I was asked to be a manager at a little burger joint called Sundaes Eats and Treats. That job took me way, way out of my comfort zone. I had to do things that I had never done before and assume a position that I had never assumed before. This job pushed me and pulled me and stretched me in so many ways I would never have experienced without it. There were many days where I did not enjoy myself in the least, where I was extremely uncomfortable, but looking back I would never take that experience away. I am more confident because of it. I have better people skills. I know more about business. I learned to take initiative. I learned to persevere. I learned to take chances. I do have a special little spot in my heart for that ice cream shop. But I can tell you right now, I was glad to move on with my life. I was excited to move on to the next challenge that life would bring.

How a person works can tell you a lot about them. Sam Ewing said, "Hard work spotlights the character of people: Some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all." I was surprised when I came to college and realized that some people don't know how to sweep a floor or wash a counter or scrub a toilet. I want my children to have those skills so they are ready to leave the house when it is time.

Hard work gives a sense of accomplishment and worth. I've especially noticed at college that when I do not put in the work and do my best on an assignment, I usually end up feeling silly and disappointed with myself. On the flip side, when I work my hardest on a paper, and turn it in and get a great grade on it, I feel so fulfilled. Also, I kind of like writing papers (call me crazy).

I will forever be thankful to my parents for teaching me how to work, and the value of my hard work. It would have been so easy for them to do the work themselves at times, but they helped me help. They taught me that work is fun. They taught me through their example. When they told me to clean the kitchen, they were there right alongside me, up to their elbows, scrubbing away. When my dad told me to mow the lawn he was out there close by, tilling the garden. My parents are some of the hardest workers I know. They taught theys chillins good.

So work hard, and see what comes of it.

Also, P.S., I love Hunter Hayes. So here's one of my favorite songs by him.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Increase the Light.

Every one of us has been on the receiving side and the sending side of a biting remark. And while we may feel like the person deserved our caustic comment, it never leaves us feeling good; not about them or ourselves or the situation as a whole. What is even more sad is that it has become the norm in our society to grow up believing that we must treat strangers with extreme respect, but that it is acceptable to treat the people we love the most in a demeaning way. Do you see anything wrong with this trend? We live with the people who know us the best, who love us the most, who want the best for us, and it is alright to treat them with disdain? Something needs to change. I have experienced this first hand, and it is not something that I am proud to say I was a part of.

When I was younger and living at home, all of my siblings had moved out of the house accept for my younger brother and me. I am not sure how, but he knew exactly what to say and what to do to get under my skin. And I'll admit, I was not a patient older sister, and, yes, we had some intense brawls. I would say things that I would never say to anyone else. I was demeaning and belittling. I would not make time for him or give him the loving attention that any brother desperately needs from his older sister. So I would fight him and wonder why he couldn't just leave me alone to live my sad existence. It came to me after one of our especially intense arguments. I was in my room, and I was fuming. What was his deal, anyway? After I had cried and screamed, I eventually began to calm down. While laying on my bed, I began to think. I thought about my little brother. My good little brother, Ben. I thought about my older brothers and sister and how much I admire them and watch for their example that I can follow. I thought about the things I had said to Ben. Then I thought about my role as an older sister and how much Ben must look up to me and respect me. It hit me that I was very undeserving of his respect and admiration. How my words and actions of insolence must cut and carve at his little self-image. How biting and bruising to his sense of worth. How could I do such things to his child-like heart; I'm sure I had broken it more than once. But he kept coming back to me. He kept returning, searching for my affection. I couldn't bear to think that I could do such a thing to my own little brother, who I should be protecting and teaching and loving. This was the first time I had thought about the effect that my words were having on him, and I was disgusted by what I had let slide out of my mouth. At that very moment, I decided to change. I wanted to build, not break. I want to uplift, not tear down.

From that moment on, I tried to do those things. I wanted to do them for Ben. I tried to stop thinking about my inconveniences and my desires, and focus more on being a good sister. Our relationship has grown immensely since then. I still am so amazed at his forgiving sprit. To this day, when I hear the story of Christ being asked how many times should we forgive and he said seventy times seven, I think of Ben. My actions and my words have changed our relationship. I can't even describe how much I love and respect Ben. I am so grateful that he stayed by me, that he never gave up on me.

I love the verses in Ephesians 4:26-27, 29-32. They mention the kinds of words we should use and the manor in which we should use them.

"[Can ye be] angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
"Neither give place to the devil. . . .
"Let no corrupt [tainted, impure, demeaning, manipulative] communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
"And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
"Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:
"And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you."

Words effect others more than we can know. It is better to think before we lash out with out words, to give people the benefit of the doubt, and to try to see things from others' points of views. We will never regret responding with a kind word, but will always regret the critical response.

I just heard a quote from Mother Teresa that I loved. She said,

"Words which do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness."
I don't know about you guys, but I am tired of increasing the darkness. No one will benefit from that. I will think about the repercussions that my words could have before I say them, and I will get into the habit of lifting, complementing, and loving. Doing this won't only give others the confidence they deserve, but it will also give me the strength that I need and want.
Choose to increase the light.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Danger and Opportunity

Every family will experience some form of crisis throughout their lives together. Some of these events may include bankruptcy, the death of a child, the death of a parent, the loss of a job, and many others. However, the effect that these crises have on a family depends on how they choose to view the situation. They can either let the calamity pull their family apart, or they can depend on each other throughout their predicament, and allow the event to have positive effects on their family in the long run.

The Japanese symbol for 'Crisis' is made up of two symbols.

Crisis = Danger + Opportunity

The symbol for 'Danger' symbolizes something hard that a family experiences, and the symbol for 'Opportunity' tells us that the crisis is a chance for the family to take the experience and run with it. It is a chance for them to learn and grow; a chance to become even closer as a family than they were before the calamity.

There are specific things we can do to turn a crisis into an experience for our betterment, instead of something that we may never recover from.

     1. During a crisis, a family can depend on the support of others. It would be extremely difficult to go through most crises alone. A family should seek out friends' support, the help of ecclesiastical leaders, and of relatives and neighbors. This will help the community become closer, and it will assist the family to know that they do not have to suffer, nor pull themselves through the hardship alone.
     2. Next, a family should talk openly about their experiences with each other. A lot of emotional festering can happen when feelings are not shared. It makes time for assumptions and blame to occur between the family members. When the members of the family feel like they can share their feelings openly, it leads to better understanding and love. Each member will know that they are not alone in feeling certain emotions. This will bring the family closer to one another, and help ease the burden of their suffering.

     3. The most important way to cope with a life-changing crisis is for the family to change their values and perspectives to see the fuller picture. The difficult event can either be seen as a thing that has destroyed their lives as a family, or it can be seen as a learning experience. The family can begin to ask different questions. Instead of asking 'Why did this awful things have to happen to us?', they can ask 'What can we learn from this experience?' Our thoughts effect every aspect of our lives more than I think most people realize. Because of the way our brains work, we can only view things in accordance with our emotional state. Decide to take control of your thoughts, and see things with a new light. View the experience in terms of a learning opportunity. Then take it one step at a time, together.

We can decide now what we will do when these situations occur. Choose to draw upon your resources. Choose to reach out to your family during these times, and support each other. Use these opportunities for the betterment of your family. Good things can, and will ensue.

Friday, June 14, 2013

*Greener Grass*

Marriage takes effort. There is no way to keep  your love thriving if you don't give energy and time to your spouse and to their happiness. It is easy to become complacent, and when this happens, many people find themselves looking for that love and support in other places. Infidelity can easily creep in, even when the person involved does not realize it. Infidelity is not only physical; it is emotional as well. It usually starts out as emotional, then can lead to physical infidelity if not stopped soon enough.

Notice where you are investing most of your energy. BE AWARE and consciously invest that energy in your spouse, or, like I said before, you will begin to look for other places to invest time and effort. In the book The Marriage Garden, by James Marshall, he has the quote,

"In marriage, the grass grows greener on the side of the fence you water most."
'Water' your marriage. Find ways to invest in your spouse. Everyone has crazy schedules, but be sure to set apart a specific amount of time, a specific time every day, to spend with your spouse, and to have meaningful conversation with them. It takes effort and a willing, selfless heart.
I read an article in my Family Relations class called "Infidelity: Protecting our Marriages" by Scott Gardner and Christian Greiner. They give four ways to prevent infidelity.  
     1) Be on your guard. Many newly wed couples believe that because they have a temple marriage that they don't have to work at it because it is already celestial. To this, they say, " A temple marriage does not guarantee a celestial marriage, or even a pleasant one. No matter who we are, where we were married, how much we love each other, or what church calling we have, we must always be on guard against affairs."
     2) Be FIERCELY loyal to one another. Satan attacks subtly, with a little here and a little there. Don't develop online friendships. Don't ride alone in a car with a coworker. These little things can and will eventually lead to larger things. Setting boundaries, and letting others know of those boundaries, while it can be awkward, will be infinitely better than trying to repair a marriage.
     3) Control your thoughts. Keep yourselves for each other in mind and body and spirit. Do not let your thoughts wander. Keep yourselves busy with good, uplifting things. Elder Maxwell said, "Keep anxiously engaged in good things, for idleness has a way of wrongly insisting again and again that it is ourselves we must think of pleasing." This will prevent selfishness in our marriages.
     4) Put your spouse first. In Doctrine and Covenants 42:22 it says, "Thou shalt love thy wife with all the heart, and shalt cleave unto her and NONE else." Notice that it doesn't say "no one" else. It says "none." This can also include extracurricular activities, games, other people, or work. Cleave to your spouse above all else. This is divine, and the only way to truly have a happy and successful marriage.
Marriage is the one most important thing a person can accomplish in this life. It is hard. It takes work and love and selflessness. It takes work. Did I mention that it takes a bunch of work? We must always be on our guard against infidelity, and put our spouse before all else. After your relationship with God comes your relationship with your spouse; it is important to work as hard as possible to build a strong and lasting relationship, and when you do you will have so much joy. Make people wonder and wish that they could have what you have in their own relationships. Love what you have.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Determine to Change Hearts.

"I don't like such-and-such about my spouse to be, but when we get married I'll change him/her." This statement almost makes me chuckle a little, but it definitely is something that makes you worry about this couple and their future together. How detrimental it would be, to your self-image and to the level of trust you have in your spouse, if you knew that they had the intentions of changing who you are and the way you do things as soon as you seal the deal. Having this sort of mind-set does not bring happiness or marital satisfaction to either of the spouses.

Many people think that they will be HAPPY if they can change their spouse. However, the research shows that this is an incorrect way of thinking. Looking at the things that you want to change about your partner can only bring disappointment and frustration, and let's face it, it will create even more of that negativity between the two of you. This study has shown that for couples who are well on their way down the path to divorce have 10 areas of difference and disagreement in their marriage. It also shows that happily married couples have 10 areas of difference and disagreement. Wait, what? That's right, they both have the same amount of difference between the two of them. So then what is the difference between the HAPPY couples and the unhappy couples? The HAPPY couples accept and accommodate. The unhappy couples reject and refute. The HAPPY support and strengthen. The unhappy degrade and devalue. There is an obvious difference between the two and the way they see and treat one another.

The funny thing is, I don't know of a single person who is not already aware of their own faults; come on, they're the easy ones to pick out. Your partner, or anyone for that matter, will not be inspired to change and be better when all they can focus on are their bad qualities being pointed out to them. The qualities that people need help to see, and to be aware of in themselves, are their good qualities, the qualities that make them stand out as an individual, and the traits that make the person easy to love. For some reason, these good characteristics can be hard to point out to yourself. Tell people about their strengths, and those are the things that will become augmented in their lives and in their relationships. This helps people feel accepted and loved, and that they are a person of worth.

To go along with this, it is incredibly important to be grateful. Let your spouse know that you are grateful for them. Let your friends and family know you appreciate them.

Couples who show gratitude are happier.

When a person looks for things to be grateful for, they actually appreciate those things more. It's kind of like circular causality: If you are grateful, say thank you, and if you would like to feel more gratitude, begin by saying thank you. It will be helpful to yourself and to your spouse, and to the relationship in general.

These are the things of a HAPPY life, whether you are married or single, young or old, male or female: Gratitude, acceptance, encouragement, love, personal peace, respect, forgiveness, understanding. Let your family and friends know you feel these things for them, because you do, even if it is covered up by negativity and doubt. Throw that negativity out as fast as you possibly can, and begin to feel true joy.

Let's discontinue focusing on changing our loved ones, and instead determine to change hearts.

Determine to change hearts.

Now go, and allow yourself to be HAPPY.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Three P's of Dating.

How would you define a date? I use the three P's: Planned, Paired off, and Paid for. A date is one on one time that helps prepare people for marriage. Effort needs to be put into the date, and dating provides commitment practice (not that you have to be committed after a single date, don't let me freak you out).

The roles of a husband parallel the three P's of dating.

                    Paired off - Protect
                    Planned - Preside
                    Paid for - Provide

Following the three P's of dating provides practice for a man for when he becomes a husband. It also allows a woman to practice nurturing for when she gets married, by supporting the man in what he decides to do on a date, and in other ways. A man and a woman help refine each other while going on dates, and they practice making decisions together as equals. 

It is important for a girl to notice how a man protects, presides, and provides while dating, because he will have the same habits when he gets married, and it is important for a guy to notice how well the girl nurtures while on the date, because she will do the same things after she gets married as well. All these things are easier to practice while dating, as opposed to practicing them after getting married. This is why dating is so important for young adults. These are skills that can only be learned through dating, and that cannot be accomplished through just hanging out in a group. 

So buck up, and ask someone out.

Another quality that is SUPER important to develop before marriage is TRANSPARENCY

Transparency is speaking what you are thinking. 

So many people think that their partner should automatically know what they are specifically thinking, which causes so much drama and contention, compared to if they would just tell them what they are expecting and thinking and wanting. 

Don't play games. Say what you think, because it really is OK. Develop this trait and things will run so much smoother in all of  your relationships.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Different is Good.

I got to watch a movie in my Family Relations class this last week, called "Men, Women, and the Sex Difference" by John Stossel. First of all, I love learning about the differences of men and women, and why those differences occur. In the movie, however, G. Steinham made a comment that "We badly need to raise our boys more like our girls." G. Steinham seemed like an interesting lady... And this comment is definitely interesting. What I want to know is... What? Okay, that's not all I would like to know, but I just feel like this comment was pretty silly, and I would have to disagree.

Men and women are obviously different. Women tend to be more compassionate, expressive, and relationship oriented and men tend to be more tough, aggressive, and task and spatially oriented (notice I said they tend to have these different qualities - there are obviously exceptions and variations on both sides). In the video, a few couples talked about how they tried to raise their children equally, without veering their children of either sex towards any sex specific toy or sex specific action, but there were still differences between males and females. The males, no matter what toy they were given, would usually end up making some kind of gun and rough housing, and the girls would usually end up nurturing the toy like it was a baby. These differences come from biology and from society. There are obvious differences between men and women biologically. Men have high levels of testosterone, which causes many of the manly qualities, and studies have shown that girls with higher levels of testosterone tend to display more of those 'manly' qualities than girls with lower levels of testosterone. Another physical difference is that girls have more white matter in their brains, which is connective tissue from their speech to emotion centers, than men do. Girls also begin mimicking speech at a younger age.

These differences in men and women (and I just named a couple) are not a bad thing, and I believe they actually improve society. I think it is silly how people are trying to make women and men "equal" in today's society, mostly by trying to make them the same. Men and women are not the same, biologically and in the way they are raised by their families and by society. Studies have shown the ratios of men to women working in certain careers, and when men dominate one career certain people think that it is sexist and that women should be able to have those careers because they are  "equal" to men, and the same vise versa. However, because of the innate differences between men and women, I believe that they are both attracted to different types of jobs. We aren't being sexist because there are more men who fight fires. They are simply more suited for the job. We aren't being sexist because more women perform secretarial duties. It is simply that they are more attracted to that kind of profession than men are. I think it is useless to try to make men and women "equal" by making them the "same." We are different, and that is a good thing. It is good to embrace our differences and to work together to make sure everything gets accomplished in our society.

We also see these differences in the family. Men are usually the bread-winners of the family, and women usually are the care-takers. Some people think that this is wrong and that it proves that women are not equal to men. However, a marriage should be between a man and woman, who are equal partners, and who each have different qualities to offer to the marriage. Each quality strengthens the other partner. These differences that men and women offer to their marriage are good because they complement each other and unify the couple and help them become one entity, one unit. The Savior has every good quality, and the fact that men and women offer differences to the marriage is divine. It is so we can strive to become more like him together, as a couple.

So, different is not bad. Men and women offer different qualities to the family and to society, and that is the way it should be.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

*Stand Up*

I read an article this week by Elder Oaks called "Truth and Tolerance" from a talk he gave September 11, 2011. In this article he talks about what truth is and what tolerance is, and the balance of the two. We believe in absolute truth and in being willing to receive all truth, no matter the source. If it's true, it's true. We also believe in being tolerant to others and their beliefs. Being tolerant to others means being friendly and fair to different opinions and different people. We should be respectful of others, which can be difficult at times, but it is the right thing to do. We must learn to live with differences between people, because differences are real. We can't expect others to share every single one of our beliefs and to have all our same traditions, that would just be silly, and think about it, our world would be an incredibly dull place. However, while we should be tolerant of others, we can't use that as an excuse to stray from our beliefs. We must stand for what we know to be the absolute truth. Elder Oaks says,

     "Our tolerance and respect for others and their beliefs does not cause us to abandon our commitment to the truths we understand and the covenants we have made... We are cast as combatants in the war between truth and error.  There is no middle ground.  We must stand up for truth, even while we practice tolerance and respect for beliefs and ideas different from our own and for the people who hold them."

There is probably no harder thing than to stand up for what we know to be right, especially when the people around us are screaming for us to follow them in their ways. We can disagree politely and not make a huge deal out of the situation, but also not bend our principles. President Oaks quotes Gordon B. Hinckley in his talk, when he says,

     “Let us reach out to those in our community who are not of our faith.  Let us be good neighbors, kind and generous and gracious.  Let us be involved in good community causes.  There may be situations, there will be situations, where, with serious moral issues involved, we cannot bend on matters of principle.  But in such instances we can politely disagree without being disagreeable.  We can acknowledge the sincerity of those whose positions we cannot accept.  We can speak of principles rather than personalities.”

In my International Pakistan class, my teacher told me a story of a Christian boy who moved to college for his first semester. He was excited, but nervous to be moving to the unknown. After his first couple days in his dorm, some of his neighbors got all the boys living their together for an "initiation." The initiation, in order to be a "part" of the dorm, and to prove their manhood, they were supposed to take a smoke from a bong, then pass it on to the next person. The boy didn't want to, but in order to not make a scene, he quickly took one puff, then passed it on, choking. Life then continued, and he finished his first semester.

The next semester at the college, the boys in his dorm had the initiation ceremony once again. They began passing the bong around the circle of boys, and as it got closer and closer to this Christian boy, he made a decision. He decided once again not to make a scene, but this time instead of taking the smoke, he quickly and quietly passed it on to the next boy. Then the next boy quietly passed it on to the next boy without taking a puff. The next boy did the same thing. Miraculously, every single boy that followed the Christian boy passed the bong along without using it. Then the initiation was over, and the leaders of the ceremony didn't say a word.

This one Christian boy stood up for what he knew to be right. He didn't make a scene out of it, he didn't try to force his beliefs on others, he simply stood up for his beliefs quietly, and the other boys followed suit. I don't think we realize the respect that others will have for us when we do what is right, but we must make the decision today what we will decide in those situations. We can do it, and we will be glad when we do.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Rules and Roles

Have you ever gone to a party with one group of friends, then gone to another party with a different group of friends, and you acted completely different at the second party than at the first? Have you ever met someone, and not been quite comfortable in the situation you were in, then every time you see that person you get the same uncomfortable feeling, like you can't open up and be yourself ever since that first time you met? I feel like most people have had both of these experiences. We all play different roles in our different areas of life. We act differently at church than we do at home with our families. We may act different at school than we do in the grocery store. We don't necessarily change personalities or who we are; we simply change roles.

When I would experience this as a high schooler, I used to wonder if maybe I was being fake in one situation, or if I wasn't being true to myself all the time, or if I even had any idea who I was or who I wanted to be. That may have been a little more true then, but the truth of the matter is, I was playing different roles depending on what I felt was expected of me in different situations, and that is still happening in my life. It happens in everyone's lives. This is a little phenomenon we like to call Homeostasis. It's when we play certain roles depending on what is expected of us, and those roles usually stay the same in the different circumstances.

Going along with that, the way that I act also keeps others in their certain roles; the way I treat people makes them respond in a certain way, which makes me keep treating them the same way I already had been. Our expectations of each other are pretty set, and that keeps the response circle going. Isn't that interesting? This explains so much about my life.

When I think about my life now, a lot of my roles in different places are the same. I usually play the part of the happy-go-lucky kind of girl that laughs easily and that wants to meet more people. The more the merrier. I feel like those are the expectations I have set up for myself, and that I have caused others to expect from me. However, in high school I was much more shy, unless I was comfortable with the people I was around. When I was in a more reserved mood and I met someone, every time after that that I saw them, I would revert back to my shy, quiet little girl self. And, on the flip side, if I met someone when I felt more confident and crazy, it was easy for me to be that person the next time I saw them. It all depended on what I expected them to expect, and what they did expect. When they met me, I was shy, so they treated me like I was shy. It goes in a circular motion and it's hard to break out of. In my classes at college, if I start the semester off not really talking to anyone, I usually end the semester in that one class not talking to anyone. Then in my next class, it is a different environment with different people, and I play a different role in that class, like maybe the class clown. I'm not changing who I am, I'm changing roles.

This is so apparent in families. In my family, we each have a role. We expect certain things of each other, and this encourages more of the same behavior from each member, whether it is positive or negative. Let's play a little game called, Try and Change Your Role. See how your family members treat you or respond to you in order to keep you playing your normal role. It's not a conscious thing, but it will happen. Play around with it, have some fun. Things could get interesting.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Why Are We Here?

In my Family Relations class, we are talking about the trends of marriage today. A lot of things have changed, including peoples' views about marriage, from even just ten years ago: people are marrying at later ages, there is more cohabitation occurring, more people are living alone, there are more unwed births and premarital sex, and the household sizes are decreasing. All these trends seem to be interrelated with each other; I believe that families are crucial to society, and these trends are proving that many people are not putting as high a priority to having families. 

I believe we are on this earth to have families. President Kimball gave a great quote on the matter. He says:

 "You did not come on earth just to “eat, drink and be merry.” You came knowing full well your responsibilities. You came to get for yourself a mortal body that could become perfected, immortalized, and you understood that you were to act in partnership with God in providing bodies for other spirits equally anxious to come to the earth for righteous purposes. And so you will not postpone parenthood. There will be rationalists who will name to you numerous reasons for postponement. Of course, it will be harder to get your college degrees or your financial start with a family, but strength like yours will be undaunted in the face of difficult obstacles. 

“Have your family as the Lord intended. Of course it is expensive, but you will find a way, and besides, it is often those children who grow up with responsibility and hardships who carry on the world’s work. And, John and Mary, do not limit your family as the world does. I am wondering now where I might have been had my parents decided arbitrarily that one or two children would be enough, or that three or four would be all they could support, or that even five would be the limit; for I was the sixth of eleven children. Don’t think you will love the later ones less or have few material things for them. Perhaps like Jacob, you might love the eleventh one most. Young people, have your family, love them, sacrifice for them, teach them righteousness, and you will be blessed and happy all the days of your eternal lives.“ (Ensign, June 1975)

Many people do not think that it matters if they decide not to have children, and that it doesn’t affect anyone else. However, it very much matters how many children my husband and I choose to have. The part of the quote that spoke to me the most was when he said, in reference to our premortal selves, " understood that you were to act in partnership with God in providing bodies for other spirits equally anxious to come to the earth for righteous purposes." The whole point of the plan of happiness is to come to this earth and gain experience and learn to be obedient so that we may live with our families for eternity with God. We chose to come to earth, and here we are, at this very moment, and we are gaining experience. We have the responsibility, not only to make sure we do the best that we can personally while on this earth, but that we provide the opportunity for more of God's "anxious" children to have an earthly experience. So yes, it does matter how many children my husband and I choose to have, and it does affect people besides just me. It affects the spirit children who are so excited to come to this earth to gain a body. Who am I to deny them of that opportunity? So I will have children. I will have as many children as God will bless me with; however many children he has planned for my husband and me to bring into this world.

Not only does God want us to raise many of his children, he wants us to raise them in righteousness. In the Doctrine and Covenants, section 93 verse 40, it says, “But I have commanded you to bring up your children in light and truth.” Let’s be honest for a moment… Being a mother is a scary thing. I am scared for it. I am going to be responsible for a select number of God’s children, and he expects me to raise them right. He expects me to do my best in teaching them how to love one another, how to be obedient, and, in turn, how to become honorable mothers and fathers to their children. It’s a lot of responsibility to place on a couple of clueless kids (I feel like I’m clueless, at any rate). But I know that if I put forth my best effort, the Lord will bless me. He’ll totally bless my husband and I in our journey of parenthood.

Well! There you have it. Those are a couple of my thoughts on parenting. Enough about me, what are your thoughts on parenthood?